Our Story 2.0 -Joshua | Sermon 6/23/24

Jun 23, 2024    Dakota Searles

On the edge of the promised land, when the ten spies rallied the people towards discouragement, Joshua and Caleb spoke back with truth about God’s faithfulness and God’s power. They tried to turn the people away from fear and help them choose to trust. It didn’t work and all the people rebelled, wanting to kill Caleb and Joshua. In spite of all the Lord had done, the majority of the people did not trust their God. The hero of this story is God, who was faithful to an unfaithful people and protected Caleb and Joshua. The people had experienced God’s care from the moment the nation of Israel left Egypt and all through the desert. They were among those led by God’s visual presence through the cloud by day and pillar of fire by night. God had defeated enemies before them, provided food and water for them, and given them His promise to bring them to a good land flowing with milk and honey. When the people rebelled against God and tried to harm Joshua and Caleb, He came to their defense in His overwhelming glory!

It can be hard to do what God wants when others don’t understand. God is faithful to defend us and equip us to face rejection. God always shows up and we can trust Him.