Our Story Jonah | Sermon 07/21/24

Jul 21, 2024    Dakota Searles

Jonah, a prophet to the 10 northern tribes of Israel, lived in a time of relative peace as Syria & Assyria were weakening and of spiritual poverty where worship was ritualistic and increasingly idolatrous. He was sent to Nineveh, the capital of Assyria: infamous for its cruelty and an historical nemesis of both Israel and Judah.

The hero of this story is God who cared about a pagan, violent people enough to send one of His prophets to call them to repentance. God also cared for Jonah personally, pursuing him when he ran away, providing rescue in his disobedience and softening to his hardened heart. God forgave the wicked Ninevites when they repented and met with Jonah in his anger about it to inform his perspective.

We too struggle with anger over God's mercy on others and justice towards us. We need God's pursuit of our hearts and perspective in our attitudes. Jesus helps us obey especially when what He's asking of us seems unreasonable and unjust. He gives us His salvation and His Holy Spirit when we repent and turn to Him. He softens our hearts towards others as we grow in knowledge of His character and priorities.