Retreat Information & Preparation

The time has finally come! The Grace Community Church Women's Ministry is about to embark on our first ever off-campus retreat.  On this page you will find a collection of information featuring everything you need in order to prepare for the retreat. Please look it over carefully, and if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to

The retreat will be held at Highlands Camp & Retreat Center in beautiful Allenspark, Colorado.

Highlands is a gorgeous mountain getaway tucked into the natural beauty of God's creation. Spectacular mountain views, peekaboo visits from wildlife, and the serene peace of the forest await us there.
To help you get around, click here for a map of the retreat campus or for a map of very fine hiking trails.

Car Pool Sign Up

If you would like to car pool to the retreat, sign up here by March 21st.

Get Ready, Get Set...

Physical Prep

There are always practicalities to getting away for a weekend retreat. For the need-to-know nuts and bolts and a packing list, click here.

Heart Prep

Like a gardener, we can prepare the soil of our hearts well to receive the seeds God will plant and cultivate during the retreat. Click here for ideas and guidance.

Knowledge Prep

Psalm 46 will form the Scripture backbone of our retreat. Though familiarizing yourself with the psalm in advance is not required, having read it beforehand will help orient you to what we will be learning about throughout the retreat.

Letter from Brandy:

The annual women's retreat is my favorite event in our entire ministry year! It offers concentrated time for us to dig deeply into life-giving spiritual truths that will grow our faith and bring us closer to God, which in turn will strengthen our relationships with other people.  I am genuinely looking forward to a weekend away with the women of Grace, enjoying fun, fellowship, and faith development together.

We will be taking the opportunity this retreat presents to dig a little deeper than we have before into areas in which God desires us to grow. Through a variety of carefully cultivated teachings, group activities, worship songs, and individual reflections we will guide you through identifying an area of needed growth and equip you to address it in cooperation with the Holy Spirit. Growing in God means more than just knowing about God. It means settling in with intentionality to deepen your relationship with Him. When we trust Him and His character more thoroughly, the restless strivings of our hearts relax and unwind themselves from the hold they maintain over us. That is exactly the process we are going to explore together during our 2025 women's retreat.

As we approach the retreat, I encourage everyone to take time to attend to three areas of preparation:
  1. Physical Preparation - Planning for what to pack, where to go, and when to arrive 
  2. Heart Preparation - Ensuring you are ready and in a receptive mindset for what God has for you 
  3. Knowledge Preparation - Familiarizing yourself with the context and content of the biblical text we will be engaging
This webpage is designed to provide resources for all three of these areas. Please explore what we have posted here as you get ready for retreat time to arrive. As always, if you have questions please don't hesitate to ask! My goal is for every woman attending to feel equipped and ready to meet with God, connect with old friends, and embrace your sisters in Christ.

Grace and Blessings,
-Brandy Eldridge
Women's Ministry Coordinator
Grace Community Church