Support Ministries

Supporting the body of Christ

Support Ministries equip God's people to do His work and build up the church (Eph 4:12).  These include teams for Special Events, Grounds, Hospitality, Childcare, and Communion.

Be sure to scroll down for all the teams!

Events Team

For those who enjoy providing hospitality to a large group of people, who either enjoy behind the scenes work or in front meeting others!

*For those with Medical training:

We seek to have medical personnel at our various church events and activities (VBS, Women's retreat and Men's retreat ).  Please contact Dakota to be added to the list of those we can call on when these things occur.  
The Events Team makes Christ known through planning and managing two All-Church events each year:
  • GCC BBQ (Summer)
  • Grace Christmas Event (Early December)

This is a great fit for someone who enjoys fellowshipping with large groups of people, as well as those who prefer a more behind-the-scenes role.

Team Information and Commitment:
  • Attend planning meetings.
  • Participate/volunteer at the events.
  • Debrief after the event to discuss changes/improvements.  
  • Communicate with team leader throughout the planning and debriefing process.

Contact Dakota Searles

Grounds Team

For those who enjoy behind the scenes work making the physical world beautiful!

The Grounds Team makes Christ known through the upkeep and repair of Grace Community Church’s outside spaces. Those on our team enjoy yard work, landscaping, and are available to assist with grounds upkeep.

Activities include:
  • Weeding around the building
  • Watering trees and flowers
  • Tree trimming
  • Sprinkler maintenance, mowing    services, etc…
  • Pest control
  • Shoveling snow

Team Information and Commitment:
  • Serve with the team at Grace
  • Community Church
  • Choose which Saturday(s) to attend (there are a couple each month). Saturdays begin at 10 AM and move to 9 AM in the Summertime
  • Communicate with Team Leader for scheduling and project description
  • Follow safety protocols and procedures when serving

Contact Grounds Team

Hospitality Team

For those who enjoy nurturing others with food and fellowship!

The Hospitality Team makes Christ known through serving food for church family activities. They bring together men and women with diverse skills, talents, and  interests in enjoyment of cooking, baking, and hospitality!

Activities include:
  • Planners, preparers, servers and clean-up helpers for all church activities as needed
  • Assistants for special activities: weddings, memorials, membership class, etc.
  • Helpers for seasonal activities: VBS, outreach, holidays, etc.
  • Food donation providers

Team Information and Commitment:
  • A welcoming attitude
  • Flexibility to adjust to the needs of the event (number of attendees, type of food prepared, etc…)
  • Willingness to work as a team
  • Commitment time varies with task or event

Contact Hospitality Team

Childcare Team

For those who enjoy spending time with children, working behind the scenes in support of the body of Christ.

This team is currently in need of a team leader.  Please let Dakota know if you are interested in learning more about that role.

Team information and commitment:
The Childcare Team makes Christ known by watching children while parents attend various events at the church (Intro to Grace Class, Membership Class, Budget Meeting, etc.). There are always at least 2 volunteers present, one leader and one assistant.
What you do:
  • Communicate with Team Leader for availability and scheduling
  • Help to find a replacement should you be unable to attend a childcare event
  • Utilize the gym and playground as appropriate and available!
  • Know and be well versed in the safety and security protocols for the children’s wing
  • Follow established bathroom procedures to ensure the safety of the children and volunteers
  • Have fun and love on the kids in your care!
  • Infant & Toddlers play, sing songs, have snacks, climb, bounce, are held and rocked, etc.
  • Early childhood & elementary play, have games, snacks, activities, movies, etc...

How much time:
  • Varies depending on event or activity.
  • Membership classes happen once per quarter.
  • Team leadership meetings happen yearly, quarterly and monthly.
  • Add your name to the list of those we can contact when childcare needs arise!

Contact Dakota Searles

Communion Team

For those who enjoy helping others participate in the Sacrament.

The Communion Team makes Christ known by preparing and distributing communion elements and fostering an environment of prayerful reflection during services at which communion is provided.
  • Servers distribute the elements at the appropriate time in the service, ensuring all in attendance who wish to participate can do so
  • Fillers ensure the trays are replenished after the completion of the sacrament in preparation for the next service
Team information and commitment:
  • Serve on communion Sundays (first Sunday of every month)
  • May serve at first service, second service, or both
  • Meet as a group 15 minutes before service time to plan the communion
  • Commit to serving at least four times per year
  • Agree to attend one annual training session

Contact Terry Hunter, Elder & GRACE Team Coordinator

Worship Team

Those who enjoy sharing the Gospel through music and are skilled in either vocal or instrumental music.

Auditions are required.
  • Musicians
  • Vocalists
  • Choir

Contact Mickey Leonard, Worship Team Coordinator

AV Team

Training is provided!

Those who are comfortable around computers and enjoy working behind the scenes, can think quickly and problem solve in the moment & enjoy having a support role. 

  • Slides - Operate the ProPresenter Computer
  • Producer - Monitor the online stream & Camera switching

Those who have a good ear for sound mixing & enjoy assisting with sharing the Gospel through music behind the scenes by providing quality sound and worship team support.

  • Sound - Live and Online mixing opportunities

Contact Jeremy Lucas, Elder & AV team Coordinator