Identity in Christ 1 - Heart of the Gospel | Sermon 09/08/24

Sep 8, 2024    Erik Miller

When we think of the things that distinguish our character or personality, we often think in terms of what we do. We bake or teach or build.  We are honest or dishonest, we are dependable or responsible, loyal or disloyal. As Christians we are not immune to the pull of the culture that gives value to individuals based on these types of things. In Christ, however, our identity comes from a different source. Because of Christ, we have different priorities, different perspectives, and a different purpose. We no longer need be defined by what we do, what we own, what we achieve or how we live. We can instead embrace a new Identity as God’s children, loved with a steadfast, eternal and unfailing love. This frees us to receive value apart from what we do, own, achieve and how we live. Living from this freedom changes everything. It is a narrow and less traveled road that really does make all the difference! 

To prepare for this week's message spend time reflecting on what the Bible tells us about our Identity in Christ found in these verses: 2 Corinthians 5:11-21, Ephesians 1:3-6, Ephesians 2:19-21, Romans 8:17, 1 Peter 2:9, John 1:11-13