Fall Prayerful Preparation

Jul 26, 2024    Erik Miller

Hello! Fall is my favorite season. It is a time of change and transition as the weather changes, the leaves fall, and students head back to school. Fall is an important time for our faith family at Grace as well. We take time to refocus on ministry, community, and transformation. It is a great time to think about what God has in store for this season of our lives.

As we plan and prepare, I am reminded of the importance of prayer. Prayer is the beating heart of our relationship with God. As He speaks to us through His word, we speak to Him in prayer. Prayer is wonderful, vital, and powerful. Praying together as a faith family is a powerful act of trust and dependence on God's amazing and unchanging character. When the anxieties and challenges of life seem overwhelming, it is a reminder to us to seek the One who loves us perfectly and can change things. As Charles Spurgeon once said, "A prayerful church is a powerful church." 

As we prepare for the fall, I would like to invite you into seven weeks of prayerful preparation for the fall. This is a time to connect more deeply with God as we ask him to transform our lives and engage us in our purpose as His people. I am asking the whole church to set aside at least 10-15 minutes a day to pray in the following areas:

Personal Transformation (To know Christ) - Praying that God will continue to transform me more fully into my new identity in Christ. This means submitting to the Spirit, putting off my old way of life, and being transformed to be like Jesus. 

Gospel Growth (To make Him known) - Praying for people to come to trust Jesus as their Lord and Savior. It is to pray for boldness to share the gospel with friends, family, and strangers as God leads. 

  God's Work at Grace (God's work in and through Grace Community Church) - Praying for the ministries and leadership of Grace. It is to ask God where we should serve, meet a need, and to respond with action.