Romans Week 8 - The Example of Abraham
The way to become right with God has been the same from the beginning both for Old Testament believers and for New Testament believers. God does not change – His Grace was sufficient for those who lived before the law was given, for those who lived after the law was given, and for all of us who live now, after Jesus came and fulfilled the requirements of the law on our behalf!
Paul reminds the Roman believers that against all hope, Abraham believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been promised to him in Genesis (that his offspring would be as numerous as the stars in the sky-see Gen 15:5) The God who kept His promises to Abraham, is the same God who keeps His promises to us! The power of God who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead, is the same power at work declaring us Righteous based on our belief and trust in Him!
Prepare for this week’s teaching by reading Romans 4:1-25