Growth Ministries

Helping people to know Christ.

Growth Ministries are small to medium sized groups focused on spiritual formation, discipleship and equipping for knowing Christ and making Christ known.

Be sure to scroll down for all the teams!

Life Group Leaders

For Those who enjoy spending time learning about Jesus and His word and sharing what is learned in group settings.

These are small groups (8 to 12 people) that seek to better understand who God is, as well as how we are to live in response, within an atmosphere of encouragement and support.

Team Information and Commitment:

Skills you need:
  • Spiritual maturity and biblical literacy
  •  Willing to devote time weekly to preparation and praying for their group
  • Are members of Grace Community Church

How much time:
  • Most groups meet for about two hours at least twice a month
  • Attend annual training and quarterly Life Group Leadership Team meetings

Contact Brandy

Bible Study Leaders

For Those who enjoy spending time learning about Jesus and His word and sharing what is learned in group settings.

Men and women who have demonstrated spiritual maturity and biblical literacy, are willing to devote time weekly to preparation and praying for their group, and are members of Grace Community Church.

Team Information and Commitment:

What you do:
  • Host a small group (men with men, women with women) in studying and applying God's word. 
  • Meet weekly or twice per month
  • Check in with the Men's or Women's ministry coordinator regularly for updates and support.

How much time:
  • 1-2 hours weekly or twice per month.
  • Attend Men's or Women's ministry training and equipping meetings.

Women's Bible Study Leaders:

Contact Brandy

Men's Bible Study Leaders:

Contact Dakota Searles

Worship Team

Those who enjoy sharing the Gospel through music and are skilled in either vocal or instrumental music.

Auditions are required.
  • Musicians
  • Vocalists
  • Choir

Contact Mickey Leonard, Worship Team Coordinator

AV Team

Training is provided!

Those who are comfortable around computers and enjoy working behind the scenes, can think quickly and problem solve in the moment & enjoy having a support role. 

  • Slides - Operate the ProPresenter Computer
  • Producer - Monitor the online stream & Camera switching

Those who have a good ear for sound mixing & enjoy assisting with sharing the Gospel through music behind the scenes by providing quality sound and worship team support.

  • Sound - Live and Online mixing opportunities

Contact Jeremy Lucas, Elder & AV team Coordinator