
Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

– 1 John 4:11

Life Groups

Life Groups at Grace offer an opportunity for deeper relationship and exploration of faith through meeting in small groups (generally 8 to 12 people).  Adults and youth come together at various times and places during the week to share in concentrated prayer, Bible Study and relationship building.

Sunday Groups

Sunday, 9:00am

Led by Craig and Esther Wingard
The goal of our group is to grow in our walk with Jesus by investing in one another with prayer and practical help as needed, sharing challenges or joys, reading God's word, and taking deep dives into understanding biblical concepts.  

1st and 3rd Sunday, 12:30pm

Led by Matt and Natalie Eckelman
We love to join together for food, fellowship, and meaningful discussion of faith-related topics. We also make praying with and for one another a priority. On 5th Sundays we have "fun days" - minigolf, BBQs, hikes, etc.

Our group is currently full - If you would like to be alerted when an opening arises, please contact Brandy Eldridge.

1st and 3rd Sunday, 5:30pm

Led by Dale and Kathy Norton
We always take time to pray for each other and needs of those outside of the group. We rotate host homes from month to month and occasionally have potlucks and other fellowship events.

Our group is currently full - If you would like to be alerted when an opening arises, please contact Brandy Eldridge.

Monday Groups

Every other Monday, 6:00pm

Led by Dakota and Amy Searles
We seek to grow in Christlikeness by understanding how the gospel informs all aspects of our lives, and we encourage one another to share our faith.

Kids welcome!

Our group is currently full - If you would like to be alerted when an opening arises, please contact Brandy Eldridge.

Tuesday Groups

2nd and 4th Tuesday, 6:00pm

Led by Tim and Nancy Barker
Our group is committed to listening well and supporting each other as we seek to deepen our faith and grow in our understanding of what it means to be like Christ.

We rotate homes throughout Loveland.

1st and 3rd Tuesday, 6:30pm

Led by Hans and Donna Zaepfel
Ours is a group desiring to grow closer to the Lord through sermon discussion, Bible studies, and book studies. We want to get to know one another, come alongside one another and grow together as a family in Christ . Each meeting will also include prayer time and fellowship. In addition to our regular group meetings we would like to schedule some fun social activities so we can further get to know each other.  (Phil 2:1-5)

Our group is currently full - If you would like to be alerted when an opening arises, please contact Brandy Eldridge.

1st and 3rd Tuesday, 6:30pm

Led by Dennis and Barbara Miller
We usually do one Bible-based or book study each year and sermon discussions for the rest of the year. We do Advent activities in December such as caroling to shut-ins and visiting outdoor seasonal displays. We also try to do at least one community service project each year. Meetings consist of discussion, prayer, sharing of joys and concerns, followed by healthy snacks or desserts.

Thursday Groups

1st and 3rd Thursday, 5:30pm

Led by Brian and Heather Burson
We are deeply committed to being disciples of Christ. During our meetings, we bring our own sack supper to enjoy, and we also have fun and fellowship on any 5th Thursdays!

1st and 3rd Thursday, 6:00pm

Led by Allen and Nancy Moulton
We love deep discussion of the Bible and faith, as well as having a genuinely good time together. You will find a lot of laughter and genuine care in this group!

Our group is currently full - If you would like to be alerted when an opening arises, please contact Brandy Eldridge.

1st and 3rd Thursday, 6:00pm

Led by Jim and Kathy Juhl
We call ourselves the OWLS - Older, Wiser, Livelier Saints!

Each time we meet, we start with a light snack and visiting, and then move into study together.  We rotate our times together to our various homes.

Our group is currently full - If you would like to be alerted when an opening arises, please contact Brandy Eldridge.

1st and 3rd Thursday, 6:30pm

Hosted by Judy Bright, Led by Dale and Kathy Norton
In addition to discussing sermons, the Bible, and faith, we also emphasize prayer and fellowship times. We rotate host homes from month to month.

Our group is currently full - If you would like to be alerted when an opening arises, please contact Brandy Eldridge.

Friday Groups

Friday, 6:00pm

Led by Kevin and Alisa Richter
At each gathering we will share a meal and then discuss a Bible study or sermon notes. We would like to be involved in community service as well as reach our unbelieving friends and family through fun events a couple times during the year.

Children are welcome! 

Saturday Groups

One Saturday each month, 5:30pm

Led by Stephen and Chelsea Hoffman
We gather together to fellowship as families, learn more about God through study and discussion, and give our kids a giant play date once a month. We also try to share a meal together once a month when we can!

Our group is currently full - If you would like to be alerted when an opening arises, please contact Brandy Eldridge.

Study Groups

These groups offer opportunity for consistent study of Scripture within a smaller group setting, or may select resources such as books, podcasts, or sermon series as the source material for their faith-based discussion.

Women's Groups

Mondays, 6:00pm

Led by Alisa Richter
Our group goes slowly through Scripture, making use of multiple tools for deep inductive study. This is a great group for learning how to study the Bible !

Fall 2024 will see us kicking off in the second chapter of James.

Mondays, 6:30pm

Led by Brandy Eldridge
Our group uses an inductive study approach that is flexible with regard to time commitment and appropriate for any level of experience with Bible study.  We'd love to have you join us!

In January 2025 we will begin studying the Minor Prophets.

Tuesdays, 9:00am

Led by JoLene Lampinen
Our study blends instruction on best practices in Bible study, meaningful prayer for one another and deep study of Scripture.

We will be using Beth Moore's study on Esther as a jumping off point for Fall 2024 - Spring 2025.

Our group is currently full - If you would like to be alerted when an opening arises, please contact Brandy Eldridge.

Thursdays, 9:30am

Led by Melani Grone
Our group combines deep respect for study of Scripture with genuine desire to connect with one another and encourage each other to see how Scripture is best applied in our own lives.

In January 2025 we will be doing a study of 1 Peter.

Young Women's Study
Every other Sunday, 4:00pm

Led by Ashley Norton and Brandy Eldridge
Our group is for young women 9th grade through college and focuses on connection, support, learning, and building faith and community!

Fall 2024 we'll be going through "Good News" by Caroline Saunders.

Men's Groups

Young Men's Study
Every other Sunday, 4:00pm

Led by Jonathan Norton @ GCC
Our group is for young men 9th grade through college and focuses on growth, fellowship, and working together in our faith!
Fall 2024 we'll be going through a short introductory book titled "Thoughts for Young Men" by J.C. Ryle.

Every other Monday, 6:00pm

Led by Dave Prewitt @ GCC
We gather to build each other up in faith and use the weekly Sermon Discussion Questions to grow our application of scripture.

Our group is currently full - If you would like to be alerted when an opening arises, please contact Dakota Searles.

Mondays, 7:00pm

Led by Randall Snyder @ GCC
We are studying apocalyptic literature: Daniel and Revelation.

Our group is currently full - If you would like to be alerted when an opening arises, please contact Dakota Searles.

Wednesdays, 6:30am

Led by Stephen Major @ GCC
We are Shaped by Scripture! We study various biblical topics by surveying the passages that address each topic. 

Every other Wednesday, 6:30am

Led by Dan Braun @ NW Loveland
We use the Sermon Discussion Questions to help each other grow in our understanding and application of Scripture.

Thursdays, 6:30am

Led by Yegor Samoilenko @ GCC
We are studying the letter to the Philippians.

Saturdays, 7:30am

Led by Tony Gregg @ GCC
Breakfast and fellowship begin at 7:30 and our study in 1 Peter starts around 8:00.

Special Focus Groups

Special Focus Groups engage spiritual formation and discipleship by meeting specific faith development needs and/or building specific spiritual disciplines among members.

How to Read the Bible for All its Worth

Led by Craig Wingard
It is not uncommon for believers to struggle with understanding the Bible and getting the most out it.  If you have tried reading the Bible on your own and feel like you have come up short on making meaningful progress, this class is for you!

We will meet weekly on Sundays 12 noon until 1pm from March 30 to May 25, except for Easter Sunday (April 20).

Biblical Hebrew Crash Course

Led by Brandy Eldridge
This course is designed to teach what you need to be able to effectively use original language resources in your study of the Old Testament. Think of it as learning enough about Hebrew to deepen your Bible study without needing to learn the entire language itself.

We will meet Thursday evenings 6pm to 8pm April 17 to May 22. Because each week builds on the one before, committing to attend all six sessions is recommended.

Moms & Grandmothers in Prayer

Led by JoLene Lampinen
Moms and Grandmothers in Prayer is a group that joins together to engage a four-step prayer process (Praise, Confession, Thanksgiving, Intercession) that especially holds up the children of our community and the grandchildren of the group participants.

This group meets weekly on Tuesdays from 11:15am-12:15pm

Risen Motherhood Book Study

Led by Amy Searles
Come enjoy fellowship and snacks with other moms. We will be discussing a couple chapters per month from Risen Motherhood by Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler. We want to help you find and live the Gospel in every area of motherhood, including our postpartum bodies, the challenges of different children, and even the mundane moments.

We meet the second Wednesday of every month from 9:00-11:30am. Children are welcome!

Widowed Support Group

Led by Joy Barnhard
This group is for those who have experienced the death of a spouse to share support, sympathy, and helping each other with challenges such as loneliness and adjustment. Whether your widowhood is recent or you have been walking it for years, all are welcome and encouraged to join.

Meets weekly on Thursday mornings, 10:00am to 12 noon 

Need help finding a group?

If you don't see what you are looking for above,  
please fill out the form below and we will be in touch
to help get you connected.