Pausing our study of John,  beginning March 24th we will shift our focus to Holy week, a week set apart for deepening our grasp of Jesus’ work on the cross and resurrection from the dead.
Peace is the inner reality of wholeness and harmony that comes from being in a right relationship with God.  On Palm Sunday, Pastor Erik reminded us that  Jesus is the source of true and lasting peace.
As Holy week begins, determine to minimize distractions and extra obligations as much as you can.  Simplify your schedule down to the most essential. TV shows, books, extracurricular activities will all be there next week!  Allow time for your heart to be formed and shaped once again by the goodness and mercy of God revealed in his Word. Read slowly and reflect deeply on the passages that tell us about our Savior’s journey to the cross.
*If you have been participating in our 40 days Lenten journey, the Holy Week devotional is already included in those materials. 
Click the image below to download the Holy Week graphic for your phone's lockscreen.  Choose the option that works best for your settings and clock location