Posts with the tag “grace-women”

March 2024 Prayer Devotional Blog
April 22nd, 2024
Note: We apologize for the delay in this blog! We were hard at work on the women's retreat, and time got away from us. But late is better than never, so here it is--your March 2024 prayer devotional b...  Read More
by Shauna Scofield
February 2024 Prayer Devotional Blog
February 11th, 2024
A while back, there was a viral video making the rounds on social media of an orange-and-white cat at the veterinarian’s office. Two vet techs are holding the cat down (one is wearing thick leather ...  Read More
by Brandy Eldridge
January 2024 Prayer Devotional Blog
January 12th, 2024
I hope you all had a blessed Christmas and are feeling ready to dive into this next year, equipping ourselves to walk in God’s plan for us!If you were able to attend our December event, you know we ...  Read More
by Abigail Alm
December 2023 Prayer Devotional Blog
December 18th, 2023
My personal experience has taught me much about the freedom that comes with repentance. I have walked through seasons of living my own way, pursuing my own will and making decisions I knew were disobe...  Read More
by Shauna Scofield
November 2023 Prayer Devotional Blog
December 18th, 2023
The rhythmic flow of ocean waves. The majesty of a mountain vista. The first waft of lilacs in the spring. Warm sand underfoot and sunshine on your face. The lilt of a baby’s laugh. A loved one’s ...  Read More
by Brandy Eldridge
October 2023 Prayer Devotional Blog
October 6th, 2023
Reflecting on our women’s event last weekend, I hope you are feeling encouraged as I am that our brains are wired for sanctification and transformation! It is a good reminder for someone like me, wh...  Read More
by Abigail Alm
September 2023 Prayer Devotional Blog
September 1st, 2023
Is prayer hard for you at times? It is for me as well. What motivates you to pray and to talk to your heavenly Father, or not? Hardship? Difficult circumstances? Distractions? Not knowing the right wo...  Read More
by Shauna Scofield