Good Friday
5:30 pm | 7:00 pm

Please join us for this quiet Tenebrae Service of Shadows as we contemplate Christ's final hours upon this earth.  The service is 1 hour in length.   This service is designed to remind us of Christ's suffering in his last hours and contains elements that may be too much for younger children to experience.
During our 5:30 service we are also offering an optional alternative geared towards PreK and Elementary age children.  Children will make connections between Passover and the Last Supper through a tangible Good Friday Experience. This Seder-type presentation will be a multi-sensory activity, including small samples of food. There will be separate childcare available for any children 3 and under.

Easter Sunday
7:30 am | 9:00 am | 10:45 am

Grace Airways available at  9:00 am and 10:45 am
Praise be to the God and Faither of our Lord Jesus Christ!  In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a Living Hope 
through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.  -1 Peter 1:3-4

It's not too late, join in anytime!

In Pastor Erik's introduction he taught us to understand the Sermon on the Mount as Jesus' Kingdom Manifesto, illustrating how this upside-down Kingdom looks very different than the kingdoms of this world.  He encouraged us to find the fullness available to us when we are not so satisfied by this world and are willing to grow.  "There's more for us to know of God - more transformation and joy and peace and power and relationship with Him as we live into our new identities of children and citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven."

We invite you to join us in taking Jesus' Sermon on the Mount deeper for the next 40 days in preparation for Easter.   We have created a guide to help you plan and participate in 40 days of focused prayer, fasting, and walking to take each week's passage into our daily lives.  Our Midweek Teaching will coordinate over the next 6 weeks with further study on what it means to be Citizens of Christ's Kingdom.  We pray that by setting aside some things to make room for extra study and application your hearts will be transformed and the Joy of Christ's resurrection will be all the more sweet come Easter morning.

The colorful 40 days guide is intended for pleasant viewing on your phone or tablet.  Feel free to use the graphics included for your phone background, etc... as a way to help you focus throughout the season.
If you prefer to print at home, the print friendly option will use much less ink!  Print friendly copies are also available at the info desk.